Wednesday, January 17, 2007

the golden arch

today is a mong out day, despite the fact i had already made a billion and one plans.sigh* wish i knew how to drive or atleast lived a lot closer to civilisation.

i officially had my first prosperity burger last night, seriously not a very interesting thing to rave about but i actually do like it.maybe it's due to the peppery taste it acquire's. Probably it could be the fact i was starving, i have no idea why i am binging so much. I would end up putting all the weight back and more , thanks to my new craving for food every five minutes.
Hrmmm....the choc sundae didnt even tickle my fancy, just tasted like melted vanilla ice cream and cheap fudge chocolate.why did i finish it, no ideaaa.....?!?
the golden arch is definately evil

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