Monday, September 25, 2006

Film Day & Cheap Mondays

Friends With Money.

Mood: Absolutely numb from having a big dinner & fasting for ramadhan (body still getting used to it or my tummy is atleast).

Whereabouts: Nova on Lygon, Fruit shop & the bakery

Desire: lemon grass stalks, dates, spices, sticky date pudding & brownie.

----> Menu: tempura marinara, lemongrass chicken(vietnamese), asparagus & bok choy on oyster sauce, some some of pasta based vege soup, curry from lastnight.( yes i am very full! ).

---> back to the review of the movie

it's about 4 girlfriends(the rich housewife,script writer,the housekeeper & the fashion designer). and their friendship,. Among the women Jennifer Aniston is the only who isnt married or well to do. So she takes a job as a maid since she couldnt cope with her teaching job. Somehow she seems to be the main concern in the show since she's struggling more compared to her girlfriends.Through the movie, their life goes through the common problems that we all face marriage, dating, money & accepting ourselves. However it was so wonderfully done that even ajie enjoyed it. It was just so pleasant. Im glad i came out on this unplanned movie trip and being a tight arse to watch on cheap $5 mondays! ps: not a chic flick after all. ********* 5/5 stars

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