Staring into space & literally having the eye balls glued into something that's not really there in the midst of a giant crowd actually zones you . When the "zone" begins, your body almost seems transparent and i drift. I could drift and split myself into a manifest of thoughts. Then, snapping back to reality and falling down with a loud big thud where i realize, god get a grip gee-Ann.
I have moments like these pretty often, yes scary that i enjoy my solitary moment of non existence. Tonight that is the plan, in about 5 Min's i will take a few steps to pick up the sign board & my last existing flower pot to begin my journey home.
1. I want to some light packing & sort out my million of clothes i have
( to be honest, i have gotten rid of most of them)
2. Do some work on the com, well tonight
3. Head to the new house and feed millie and check on chloe, filling the new cupboards with things
4. Draw a timeline of what will take place in the next few weeks in this jam packed schedule i have
5. Nap....i so badly want to nap....
So, rather boring chores and i bet only 50% of that would be achieved!
AHHHHHH..... tram has just passed, meaning I now am stuck in the store for at least 10Min's before the next one arrives.
*Super excited about the built in book case in the room where all my untouched books are sitting right now. Surprisingly I have another case to fill in and somehow or rather looks like my giant shoe collection will sit there...ah yes, I would never call myself a shoes collector and yet i have somehow managed to collect 30 over pairs in 8 years??? Isn't that normal? That's the whole point of today, learning to chuck what needs to be cleared . Time to zen the moments of a hoarder and relinquish the Buddha of necessity
OK,check I'm back home and what are my initial reactions. Scum down the bag of famous amos that sayang has bought. So much for "cleaning", good news is we're heading down and that means I get to clean my room! Thinking about unloading my collection of bags into the cupboard and moving my lucky bamboo plant that slowly is turning into a sickly yellow. Poor thing, looking extremely unhappy in this room. Not to mention, Dali went a little mental on chewing most of the leaves up.Thanks! Sigh* Growing so well in chevron and now looking so wilted. Time to move my baby over & start reviving back my magic tree.Lets see what google magic has in store for me to nurse my plant back into tip top condition?
Thank you for getting back to me but the leaves are not the part that is turning yellow but 1 out of tree stalks are turning yellow.
I printed out the newsletter and will read through it. Should I be worried about the stalk turning yellow?
Jamie's Reply: I am a little concerned. You may have some type of pathogen — insect or fungal. Check for scale or spider mites both are insects. Scale will be a cottony substance or a shell like attachment on the stem or at the base of the leaves. You will need a magnifying glass to see the spider mites — they will be actively crawling around. As for fungal, check for soft tissue any where on the stem especially at the water line. One other thing have you fertilized your lucky bamboo? I will research a little further to see if I can come up with any other possibilities.
ackkkkk!! I will be giving it a quick rinse in the new house and also check for these mites!!! i reckon it's probably the water. After much reading in several forums. Looks like there needs to be some surgery to take place on the yellow stem and cleaning out the existing pots and stones.
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