Wednesday, March 26, 2008

good old mail

i miss getting mail, snail mail that is.
The last delight i received was a small catalogue from acne jeans.
It was silly to be excited over it, but the swedish hint lingering in my sight,
lit my eyes,
gorgeous photo's, inspiring to take ones like these.
Quite glad i signed up for it,
The kind of other mails i would like to receive would be
postie's. I love sending them out , never seem to receive one??!?
like heading out to the post office, having the trouble to buy stamps.
and placing the par avion (air mail) on the envelopes.having sticky fingers
after furiously stamping it into the wet sponge.
Then somehow hoping it doesnt come out to wet
on the doesnt seem to take much to make me little self happy?
little silly joys.

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